Sunday, May 13, 2012

International officiating clinic in Budapest (EFAF)

More than 75 officials attended an international officiating clicic at Budapest, Hungary, organized by the Officiating Committee of the Hungarian federation MASZ. Participants of the two-day-clinic on February 11/12 came from five different countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia and of course Hungary. The clinic was conducted by renowned Big Ten official Bill LeMonnier, who brought lots of material with him from the United States. His vivid presentation excited the attendees who embraced the opportunity to share valuable videos, information and training material.

„As a new sport in Hungary, American Football is developing at a fast pace. In order to keep our officials prepared, we have to organize such events and have to invite experienced colleagues from Europe or from the United States. That inspired me to invite Bill LeMonnier to Budapest“ - said Gyula Udvardi, chairman of MAFSZ's OC.

"I personally have been officiating 1973 and working in Big Ten since 1994. I had 15 different Bowl game assignments, worked two world championships and I am sure I can forward something about my experience. I am really glad to be invited and will do my best to share all those knowledge” – said Bill when he arrived to Budapest.

"All participants had an opportunity to share information, ask question and use Bill LeMonnier's experience outside clinic hours. He was available and very helpful even in his spare time and was very dedicated to help us. We spent Saturday evening together and went out for a dinner and were chatting about football", added Udvardi. The clinic was held in Budapest's Griff hotel. The facility was well prepared for the event, staff was very helpful during the clinic and for the comfort of the foreign clinic attendees they all could stay in the same hotel during the weekend.

At the end of the weekend all guests had lots of new information, some new training material and a lot of interesting stories about NCAA football to tell when they came home. “Next time we are eager to further improve our clinic, invite more colleagues from more countries and make this event a real European meeting for officials“, promises Udvardi.

Finally let's share Bill LeMonnier's thoughts about those five days he spent in Budapest with his wife Barbara: “Can't thank you enough for the great experience to visit Budapest and see so many friends. Both Barbara and I will remember this as one of our best experiences.”
“I think this to be the biggest admission we can get from Bill”, said Udvardi after the clinic. “I am really proud that we were able to organize and host this meeting and I am glad to hear those words from Bill.”

View the original article here

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